Me ha encantado el reto de #BundtBakers este mes. Se trataba de hacer un bundt inspirado en un postre tradicional de Estados Unidos y Canadá, que se consume habitualmente en las fogatas nocturnas como la de los Boy o Girls Scouts, y que consiste en un malavavisco (nubes) tostado y una capa de chocolate entre dos trozos de galletas Graham.
I love the #BundtBakers challenge of this month. It was about a bundt inspirited in a dessert of USA and Canada, is a traditional nighttime campfire treat popular, consisted in a roasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of Graham crackers.
Hemos hecho un Bundt Cake super chocolateado, relleno de galletas Graham, pero en este caso como no las encontré compré una base de pie Graham y la desmigué. Por encima hemos echado un merengue suizo que luego hemos tostado con un soplete y una corona de pretzels saladitos.
We cooked a super chocolaty, filled of Graham crackers, but in this case I didm´t find them so I bought a Graham pie for fill and I crumble it. I made a swiss meringue to toss all over the bundt, and then we toast it with a blowtorch and a salty pretzels crown.
Thanks to From Gate to Plate , she has been the hotess this month. If you are food blogger and you would like to join us, you can send a e-mail with your blog URL to
Check out what the rest had bake this month, and enjoy!
- Autumn S'more Bundt Cake by The Freshman Cook
- Caramel Apple S'mores Bundt by Taking on Magazines
- Carrot Graham Mini Bundts with White Chocolate Chips and Marshmallow Glaze by Passion Kneaded
- Chocolate Bundt with Marshmallow Graham Filling by Basic N Delicious
- Chocolate Graham Cracker Bundt Cake with Roasted Strawberry Marshmallow Filling by Sew You Think You Can Cook
- Cookie Crumble Peanut Butter S'more Bundt Cake by Baking in Pyjamas
- Deconstructed S'more Bundt Cake by Cali's Cuisine
- Graham Cracker Bundt Cake S'mores by Magnolia Days
- Graham Cracker Bundt with Chocolate Ganache and Toasted Marshmallow Frosting by Food Lust People Love
- Graham Cracker Peanut Butter Bundt with Marshmallow Topping by Our Good Life
- Inside Out S'mores Bundt Cake by Liv for Cake
- Key Lime S'more Bundt Cake by Patty's Cake
- Mexican Chocolate S'more Bundt Cake by Tartacadabra
- Nutella Glazed S'more Bundt Cake by I Bake He Shoots
- Nutella S'mores Bundt Cake by Brunch with Joy
- Oreo Grasshopper S'more Bundt by A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Pretzels Crown in a S'more Bundt Cake by Los Chatos Chefs
- Pumpkin S'mores Bundt by Living the Gourmet
- Pumpkin S'mores Bundt by How to Philosophize with Cake
- S'moreo Caramel Bundt Cake by Making Miracles
- S'mores Bundt Cake by From Gate to Plate
- S'mores Bundt Cake by La mejor manera de hacer
- S'mores Bundt Cake by I Love Bundt Cakes
- S'mores Graham Cracker Bundt Cake with Marshmallow Frosting by The Spiced Life
- Salted Marshmallow and Graham Crack S'more Bundt Cake by Faith, Hope, Love & Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page.
Ingredientes para el bundt:
- 180 ml de aceite de oliva suave
- 500 grs de azúcar
- 300 grs de harina
- 4 huevos
- 300 ml de leche
- 100 grs de perlas de chocolate
- 2 cdtas de vainilla en pasta
- 300 ml de agua hirviendo
- 100 grs de cacao en polvo
- 4 cdtas de levadura
- galletas graham machacadas o una base de galletas para pie de galletas graham
Ingredients for the bundt:
- 180 ml soft olive oil
- 500g sugar
- 300g flour
- 4 eggs
- 300 ml whole milk
- 100 g choco chips
- 2 teaspooo vanilla paste
- 300 ml boiling water
- 100g cocoa powder
- 4 teaspons baking powder
- graham crackers
Preparación bundt:
Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC. Engrasamos nuestro molde de bundt cake, mejor con un spray. Yo he usado mi nuevo molde "Kugelhopf"para hacer este bundt.En un bol, tamizamos harina cacao y levadura. Reservamos.
Batimos aceite, azúcar y los huevos hasta que estén integrados. Incorporamos la harina y el cacao. Cuando la mezcla sea homogénea, añadimos la leche y la vainilla. Agregamos el agua hirviendo y batimos de nuevo. Echamos los chips de chocolate y por ultimo las galletas Graham. La masa va a quedar muy líquida, y es más, nos sobrará un poco que podremos usar para hacer por ejemplo, cupcakes.
Repartimos la masa en el molde que no sobrepase a los 2/3 y horneamos entre 50-55 minutos o hasta que al meter un palillo de madera este salga limpio. Dejamos que se enfríe en el molde y luego desmoldamos obre una rejilla de metal.
Directions for the bunt:
Preheat the oven to 180º C / 350º F / gas 4. Grease our bundt pan, better with a non-stick spray. I used my new pan "Kugelhopf" for this bundt.In a bowl, stire the flour, cocoa powder and the baking powder. Reserve.
Cream the olive oil with the sugar and the eggs, until all is mixed. Add the flour with the cocoa. When the batter will be homogeny, add the milk ant the vanilla paste. Add the boiling water and continue creaming. Toss the choco chips and the Graham crackers. The batter will be pretty liquid, and moreover, will remain a little to make for example, cupcakes.
Pour the batter in the pan only 2/3 and oven for about 50-55 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center of the bundt comes out clean. Let cool in the pan and then turn out on a wire rack.
Ingredientes para el merengue suizo:
- 3 claras de huevo
- 350 grs de azúcar
- 125 ml de agua
- 1 y 1/2 cda de glucosa (Karo)
- 1/8 cdta de sal
- 1 y 1/2 de esencia de vainilla
Ingredients for the swiss meringue:
- 3 egg whites
- 350 g sugar
- 125 ml water
- 1 and 1/2 tablespoon Karo
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1 and 1/2 vanilla essence
Preparación del merengue suizo:
Poner en un bol las claras, el azúcar, el agua, la sal y el sirope Karo.
Colocar el bo al baño maría y mezclar hasta que se disuelvan los granos de azúcar.
Retirar del fuego y seguir batiendo en la batidora a una velocidad alta, durante unos 10 minutos. Echar la esencia de vainilla.
Directions for the swiss meringue:
In a bowl bain-marie, put the egg whites, sugar, water, salt and Karo.
Mix all until the sugar is dissolve completely.
Remove the bowl and place it in a bowl mixer, mixing in a high velocity during almost 10 minutes. Incorporate the vanilla essence.
Decoración del bundt:
Necesitaremos una manga pastelera, un soplete y unos pretzels pequeños de los saladitos. Echamos en la manga pastelera el merengue y lo colocamos de forma vertical sobre nuestro bundt. Colocamos encima de todo los pretzels como si fueran una corona, y para rematar, quemamos con un soplete el merengue.
To decorate the bundt:
We need a pastry bag, a blowtorch and a little salty pretzels. Put the meringue in the pastry bag and add it in a vertical way on our bundt. Put over all the pretzels like a crown, and to finish, burn wit the blowtorch the meringue.
Como he dicho antes, me sobró un poco de masa, así que hice unos mini cupcakes muy monos.
How I explained before, it remain me batter, so I make a little cute cupcakes.