Hola de nuevo, otro mes más venimos con el reto #Bundtbakers. El tema de este mes es la canela. Se puede decir que es un reto bastante fácil, ya que la canela se usa en un montón de postres y además es deliciosa.
Da la casualidad de que este mes, hice una compra en la página web japonshop.com . La mayoría de de cosas que compré fueron tés. Entre uno de ellos, un té rojo con café verde, pimienta rosa y canela. Así que me pareció perfecto para introducirlo en mi bundt del mes.
Además quise enfatizar ese sabor de canela, con un relleno de azúcar moreno, nueces y la propia canela. Un resultado bastante oriental.
Hi everyone , we are here again with the #Bundtbakers challenge. The theme of this month is cinnamon. It could be said it is a easy challenge, because cinnamon is used to make so many sweets, and besides is delicious.
It happens that this month, I made a purchase in the web side japonshop.com. Most of the things that I bought were teas. Among of them, a red tea with green coffee, pink pepper and cinnamon. So I thought it was perfect for my bundt.
Besides I wanted to bring out the cinnamon taste, with a brown sugar, walnuts and the itself cinnamon filling.
Thanks to Sew you think you can cook , she has been the hotess this month. If you are food blogger and you would like to join us, you can send a e-mail with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.
Check out what the rest had bake this month, and enjoy!
- Apple Cinnamon Bundt by Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Carrot Bundt Cake with Cinnamon Glaze by Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Cinnamon Apple Bundt Cake by Christiane at Taking on Magazines
- Cinnamon Apple Jelly Donut Cake by Colleen at Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice
- Cinnamon Bundt Cake by Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Cinnamon Bundt Coffee Cake by Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Cinnamon Chocolate and Strawberry Cake by Deepti at Baking Yummies
- Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake by Renee at Magnolia Days
- Cinnamon Crown Cake by Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- Cinnamon Dolce Coffee Bundt Cake by Felice at All That's Left are the Crumbs
- Cinnamon Espresso Bundt with Chocolate Ganache by Amanda at The Cinnamon Scrolls
- Cinnamon Pecan Streusel Bundt Cake by Lara at Tartacadabra
- Cinnamon Roll Bundt by Margaret at Tea and Scones
- Cinnamon Swirl Bundt by Sue at Palatable Pastime
- Cinnamon Swirl Zucchini Bundt Cake by Bea and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Cinnamon Toast Bundt by Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Cinnamon Toast Bundts by Olivia at Liv for Cake
- Mexican Chocolate Bundt Cake by Mondo at I Bake He Shoots
- Monkey Bread Bundt by Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Pumpkin Spice Toffee Bundt Cake by June at How to Philosophize with Cake
- Red Tea and Cinnamon Bundt Cake by Mary at Los Chatos Chefs
- Six Pound Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake by Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Snickerdoodle Bundt Cake by Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Strawberry Cinnamon Rolls Bundt by Priya at I Camp in My Kitchen
- Sweet Cinnamon Spice Tea Bundtlettes by Lauren at Sew You Think You Can Cook
- Tea Chai Bundt Cake by Rocio at kidsandchic
- Tunnel of Cinnamon Bundt Cake by Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Walnut Schnecken Bundt Cake by Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page.
Ingredientes bundt:
- 350 grs de harina
- 2 cdtas de levadura
- 1 cdta de sal
- 250 grs de mantequilla
- 150 grs de azúcar blanco
- 150 grs de azúcar moreno
- 3 huevos grandes
- 200 ml de leche
- 2 cdas de té rojo con canela
Ingredientes relleno:
- 100 grs de azúcar moreno
- 100 grs de nueces troceadas
- 2 cdtas de canela
Lo que primero vamos a hacer es infusionar el té rojo con la leche, con el mismo procedimiento con el que hacemos un té normal pero en vez de usar agua, usamos leche. Dejamos en friar.
Calentamos el horno a 180ºC. Engrasamos un molde de Bundt, mejor con un spray antiadherente.
En un bol, tamizamos el harina, la levadura y la sal.
Batimos la mantequilla y el azúcar y vamos añadiendo poco a poco los huevos.Añadimos por tandas el harina y la leche infusionada con el té. Seguimos batiendo hasta que todo esté bien incorporado.
Preparamos el relleno. Sólo tenemos que mezclar los tres ingredientes.
En nuestro molde, echamos un poco del relleno en la base, añadimos la mitad de la masa del bundt y echamos el resto del relleno, así quedará en el medio. Encima echamos el resto de la masa.
Horneamos entre 50-55 minutos o hasta que al meter un palillo de madera este salga limpio. Dejamos que se enfríe en el molde y luego desmoldamos obre una rejilla de metal.
Decoramos por encima con azúcar glasé.
Ingredients for the bundt:
- 350 g flour
- 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 250 g butter
- 150 g sugar
- 150 g brown sugar
- 3 large eggs
- 200 ml milk
- 2 tablespoon red tea with cinnamon
Ingredients for the filling:
- 100 g brown sugar
- 100 g walnuts
- 2 teaspoon cinnamon
The first we gonna do is infusion the red tea with the milk. We do it as same that a regular tea, but instead of use water, we use milk, and then let it cool.
Preheat the oven to 180º C / 350º F / gas 4. Grease our bundt pan, better with a non-stick spray.
In a bowl, stire the flour, salt and the baking powder. Reserve.
In a bowl, stire the flour, salt and the baking powder. Reserve.
Cream the butter with the sugar and the eggs, until all is mixed. Toss the flour and the infusion milk by turns. Continue mixing.
Let´s do it the filling. Whe only need to mix the 3 ingredients.
In our pan, toss a little bit of the filling in the bottom, add half of the batter, toss again the rest of the filling, and finish with the other half of the batter.
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