Esta es la primera vez que participo en el reto #BundtBakers. Encontré el reto de casualidad, estaba navegando por la red, cuando vi que un grupo de personas se reunían cada mes para hornear bundt cakes con un tema en común propuesto por la anfitriona. Como estas cosas me emocionan un montón, investigué para poder apuntarme al reto.
El tema principal de este mes es "Rocky Road". Se le llama Rocky Road a todos esos dulces de chocolate (galletas, bizcochos, helados...) a los que añadimos nubes, galletas y frutos secos como decoración.
Se han horneado unos Bundt Cakes geniales, que podéis ver en el grupo de Pinterest o en el grupo Bundt Bakers.
Gracias a Laura de Baking in Pyjamas, que este mes ha sido la anfitriona. Y si eres food blogger y te gustaría participar en el reto, puede enviar un e-mail con la URL de tu blog a
This is the first time that I take part of the #BundtBakers challenge. I found it by chance, I was surfing the internet, when I saw a people crew gathered every month to bake bundt cakes with a theme in common proposed by the hostess. Because I find these things so cool, I research to be able to join the challenge.
The main theme this month is " Rocky Road". It calls Rocky Road all these treats with chocolate (biscuits, cakes, ice creams...), we added marshmallows, biscuits, nuts, dried fruits, as a decoration.
We find greats Bundt Cakes, you can see in the Pinterest group or in the Bundt Bakers group.
Thanks to Laura from Baking in Pyjamas, she has been the hotess this month. If you are food blogger and you would like to join us, you can send a e-mail with your blog URL to
Check out what the rest had bake this month, and enjoy!
- Almond, Blueberry & White Chocolate Rocky Road Bundt by Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Biscoff & Chocolate Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Spice Roots
- Blueberry Pecan Cocoa Ripple Cake by Magnolia Days
- Brownie Style Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Basic N Delicious
- Cheery Cherry Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Our Good Life
- Cherry Chocolate Walnut Bundt by Noshing with the Nolands
- Chocolate Toffee Rocky Road Bundt Cake by The Chef Next Door
- Chocolate Chip Bundt with Rocky Road Topping by Baking & Creating with Avril
- Culture Confusion Rocky Road Bundt by Food Lust People Love
- Fantasy Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Los Chatos Chefs
- Elvis on a Rocky Road Bundt by It's Yummi
- Marshmallow Drenched Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Making Miracles
- Mini Rocky Road Bundts with Marshmallow Frosting by Passion Kneaded
- Nutty Chocolate Banana Bundt Cake by The Freshman Cook
- Not Just For Ice Cream Rocky Road Bundt by Tea and Scones
- Rock n' Roll Rocky Road Bundt by Living the Gourmet
- Rocky Road Bundt Cake by A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Rocky Road Bundt Cake by I Love Bundt Cakes
- Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Kids and Chic
- Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Liv For Cake
- Rocky Road Bundt Cake with Marshmallow Glaze by Brooklyn Homemaker
- Rocky Road Fudge Bundt Cake by La Cocina De Aisha
- Rum Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Adventures in All Things Food
- S'more Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Baking in Pyjamas
- Strawberry Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Recipes, Food and Cooking
- Toasted Chocolate Almond Bundt Cake by Eat, Drink and Be Mighty
- Triple Chocolate Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Simply Veggies
Yo llamo a mi Rocky Road, fantasía, por las galletitas tan monas que encontré en Tiger, son como joyas. También compré las nubes allí, y tienen chocolate y frutos secos, entre otra cosas. Añadí a mi bundt arándanos secos, que me recuerdan a los rubíes, así todo queda como más mágico.
I call it "Fantasy Rocky Road", because the biscuits so cute I found in Tiger, are like jewels. I bought also, marshmallow there, and they have chocolate, dried fruits, among other things. I added to my bundt dried cranberries, that remind me rubies, this way all is more magic.
- 225 grs de harina
- 2 cdtas de levadura
- 1 cdta de bicarbonato sódico
- 4 cdas de cacao en polvo sin azúcar
- una pizca de sal
- 225 grs de mantequilla
- 250 grs de azúcar
- 4 huevos batidos
- 6 cdas de suero de leche
- 2 cdtas de extracto de vainilla
Para la cobertura:
- galletas (usé las de Tiger)
- nubes
- arándanos rojos secos
- nueces
- 200 grs de chocolate para fundir
- 200 grs de nata para montar
Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC. Engrasamos el molde, mejor con un spray antiadherente.
En un bol, tamizamos el harina con la levadura en polvo, el bicarbonato, la sal y el cacao en polvo. En otro bol, batimos la mantequilla hasta que quede pálida y esponjosa, añadimos el azúcar y batimos 2 minutos más. Añadimos con cuidado los huevos batidos, y batimos todo hasta que esté bien mezclado.
Añadimos los ingredientes secos por tandas, combinándolos con la buttermilk mezclada con la vainilla. Acabamos con los ingredientes secos.
Echamos la preparación en el molde, le damos unos ligeros golpes contra la encimera para que salgan las burbujas de aire. Horneamos entre 50-60 minutos, o hasta que al insertar un palo en el centro, este salga limpio.
Sacar del horno, dejar enfriar en el molde y desmoldar en una rejilla para que se enfríe por completo.
- 225g plain flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 4 tablespoons cocoa powder without sugar
- pinch of salt
- 225g butter
- 250g sugar
- 4 beaten eggs
- 6 tablespoon buttermilk
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
To decorate:
- Biscuis (I used Tiger´s)
- marshsmallows
- dried cranberries
- walnuts
- 200g chocolate for melt
- 200g whipped cream
Preheat the oven to 180º C / 350º F / gas 4. Grease our bundt pan, better with a non-stick spray.
In a bowl, sift the flour with the baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, salt, and the cocoa powder. In other bowl, cream the butter until it becomes pale and fluffy, add the sugar, and beat 2 more minutes. Put gently the beaten eggs, until all will be combined well.
Add the dried ingredients combined them with the buttermilk, mix with the vanilla, several times, and finish with the dried ones.
Pour into the prepared pan, and lightly beat the pan to take the bubbles out. Oven for about 50- 60 minuts or until a skewer inserted into the center of the bundt comes out clean.
Leave the bundt in the pan to cool, and then turn out.
Preparamos una ganache. Cortamos el chocolate en trozos pequeños y los colocamos en un bol. Calentamos la nata hasta que empiece hervir, la retiramos del fuego y la echamos en el bol del chocolate. Movemos con una espátula hasta que todo quede bien integrado. Dejamos enfriar.
Vamos a decorar nuestro bundt. Cogemos la ganache templada y la echamos por encima de nuestro bundt, repartiéndolo bien por toda la superficie.
Let´s prepared the ganache. Cut the the chocolate in a little pieces, and put the into a bowl. Heat the whipped cream until begin to boil, remove to the heat and add it into the chocolate bowl. Stir with a palette knife until all is combined well. Let cool.
We are going to decorate our bundt. Take the ganache, and pour it warm over the bundt cake, spreading well.
Acabamos añadiendo por encima el resto de los ingredientes (nubes, galletitas, nueces y arándanos).
¡Y listo para disfrutar!
Finish adding above the rest of the ingredients (marshmallows, biscuits, walnuts and the cranberries).
And ready to enjoy!
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